Fruit D'Or Inc.
Business Description
Fruit d'Or products are available as natural and organic certified, and all are Kosher certified as well. Since the company's inception, we have become the largest processor of organic cranberry products in North America. Frozen and dried products are used extensively by food manufacturers including commercial bakeries, cereal and snack manufacturers and packers and distributors. Dried sweetened cranberry and blueberry products are primarily used for granola and nutrition bars, trail and snack mixes, cereals and muesli.
Product Description
Fresh/frozen/dried organic cranberries, cherries, blueberries, cranberry juice, blueberry juice
Business Area
Agricultural Handler/Processor
Ingredient Supplier
International Trade - Importer
International Trade - Exporter
Contact Info
(819) 385-1126
306, route 265, Villeroy QC G0S 3K0
What We Offer
Beverages:Bottled (fresh, non-fresh, processed, etc.)
Beverages:Non-bottled (powdered: coffee, tea, etc.)
Other:Sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, sugar, molasses, etc.)
Perishable Food:Frozen Food
Shelf-stable Food:Dried/cured food
Sector: Food - Ingredients
Fruits and nuts:Berries
Fruits and nuts:Drupes